Monday, May 10, 2010

who is great???

When it comes to development what comes into the mind of everybody is large and new bulidings of different size, shape etc,better infrastructure, good roads,especially widened ones with few craters etc.What is happening in those buildings??? Obviously, well educated, highly qualified professionals will be discussing new business plans,expanding existing business all over the world etc. What are they finally bringing to our nation? Profit for themselves or Profit for nation or for both??? I am not clear.

 But has anybody made a thought about those who support them? I point to those who are developing the so called infrastructure in our nation which facilitates those fellows in coat and suite to run their business smoothly. If you just ponder over their day to day life we can very well make out the difference between the high class and low class. They live in temporary shelters, cooking at unhygienic circumstances, exposing to dry and soaring heat,working 12 or more hrs to finish their tasks,exposing to pollution etc.How much they suffer to complete glassy building which is supposed to play a role in our economic growth.If you compare the person making the buliding and  the person sitting inside that finally, how ironical is it??? Both belong to humans,but on extreme corners.When we enjoy driving through a highway which is paved well, kept neat by some fellow beings,maintaining a garden in the mid, in short keeping the beauty and  condition of the roads well, have we ever  made a thought about the irony between us and them? We sit inside an ac car,not sunburn, no dust, dirt,always fresh while those who clean the road, exposing to sun,dust,dirt, ending up with some breathing difficulties.

So who is great actually? those who work hard to bulid up roads, bulidings etc by sacrificing their life or those who sit inside those cool bulidings, make decisions as how to bring more development to our country ? and finally who deserves bharata ratna, or padma awards? obviously till now, not any one working in the road....... then who will respect them??? are they not part of our development?

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